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Join us at Allendale

for a Sponsored walk and Birthday Tea  

Allendale Village Hall

NE47 9PR


Venue Information and  directions



Join us to celebrate in style with festivities at Allendale with music provided by the fantastic Folk, Jazz and Roots  duo Landermason


 'A stunning blend of diverse musical Influences' 


 Tea and celebrations 2pm - 4pm, £5 minimum donation on the door (proceeds split between Allendale Village Hall and Highlights)


Walk with us: 

Meet at Allendale square to walk up to the historic Chimneys and bring a packed lunch to enjoy with the sweeping views of the dales. 


'This walk epitomises much that is characteristic of the North Pennines . High peaty moorland, the sweet melancholy call of the golden plover and the towering remains of chimneys from the area’s lead mining past'

- Explore North Pennines


Length:  6.25 miles 

Start point at time:  Allendale Square, 10.30 am

to arrive back at the square for  2pm, where you can wander along to village hall for refreshment or get a lift on a pony carriage!


After more of a challenge? Join the Alston Walkers as they Hike over the moors to Allendale from nearby Sinderhope





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